My Leadership Guiding Principles #4: Consistency
June 28, 2024
What are your leadership standards? Do you have guiding principles that help you act with integrity, decide, and lead? My four guiding principles are fairness, equity, transparency, and consistency. Here, I’d like to talk about […]
My Leadership Guiding Principle #3: Transparency
June 28, 2024
Having your own leadership standards can help you act with integrity in tough situations, feel good about yourself, and inspire others to follow you anywhere. My four guiding principles are fairness, equity, transparency, and consistency. […]
My Leadership Guiding Principle #2: Equity
June 28, 2024
Do you have your own leadership guiding principles? My big four are fairness, equity, transparency, and consistency. With them, I know how to be in any situation and I can sleep well at night because […]
My Leadership Guiding Principle #1: Fairness
June 28, 2024
I’ve got 4 guiding principles I lead by: fairness, equity, transparency, and consistency. These standards guide me through difficult situations and build trust among those who I’m asking to follow me. In this post, I […]
What Started As A Spark, Turned Into A Flame
May 10, 2024
Over the last few years, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) initiatives and programs burned hot, as corporations and small nonprofits alike responded to demands from their staff and stakeholders. Today, many are attempting to extinguish our flames and leave us out in the cold again.
Accountability + Flexibility = Success
May 10, 2024
You’ve heard me say it before: we have to meet people where they are. This is especially true for holding people accountable.
Manage Your Energy To Avoid Burnout
May 10, 2024
Does burnout deplete your energy, or are you burned out because you’ve lost your energy? If you need help finding your source of energy or aligning your work and life, check out our coaching program. We’re here for you.
Getting Traction Around Accountability
April 16, 2024
Leaders are really struggling with accountability for a number of reasons, from COVID, to hybrid work, to generational differences around the expectations of work.
What’s Needed To Make Tough Decisions?
April 16, 2024
Get intentional about your current and future states.
What Makes An Effective Leader?
April 16, 2024
Short answer: Awareness, Consistency, Communication, Vulnerability, and Passion. If you want help to become the best leader you can, check out our Leadership Academy.
The Many Challenges Of Cleaning House Of Toxic Leaders
January 16, 2024
One of the benefits of DEIB has been the exposure and firing of toxic leaders. Several of the organizations we have been working with have identified corrupt, unethical, insensitive leaders, directors, and managers and are […]
How To Clean Up A Toxic Work Environment
January 16, 2024
What’s required of leaders to clean up a toxic workplace? Here’s our simple-to-understand, but difficult-to-implement formula that we use with our consulting engagements: Commit to the heavy lift of true change Support the people you […]
It’s Time To Evaluate Leaders Beyond Their Numbers
January 16, 2024
What do we measure leaders on? Deliverables, profitability, fundraising, productivity… How often are leaders measured on the health of their organizations? Maybe it’s about time. After all, how are those “hard metrics” achieved, if not […]
DEIB’s Truly Top Strategy
December 13, 2023
Here’s the #1 thing that can change the way DEIB is viewed. It’s truly the top strategy. Organizations that latch on to this strategy see a shift in leadership’s mindset and move more quickly towards […]
Everyone Should Change, Except Me
December 13, 2023
I am met with resistance when I speak about accountability in DEIB work. This resistance isn’t just from managers who let bad behavior slide, but also from leaders, especially tenured leaders, who don’t see how […]
Communicating Proactively & Transparently
December 13, 2023
One thing I have recognized in OAIB’s work is that employees are often unaware of just how much their organization is doing to try to get it right. So many leaders I work with share […]
DEIB Done Wrong
December 13, 2023
Many people remain willfully ignorant about inequity and don’t believe that reshaping their own thinking is the solution to their organization’s challenges. I’ve seen many people in the dominant culture begrudgingly participate in mandatory DEIB […]
Trust & Creative Teambuilding
November 20, 2023
Trust & Creative Teambuilding Leaders like you are challenged to engage employees in meaningful ways because team building continues to be a major challenge in our ever-changing, hybrid, over-sensitive work environment. While many employees say […]
Transparency Leads To Inclusivity
November 20, 2023
Too many leaders I know feel they need to have all the answers. Not only that but they need to be perceived as having all the answers. They feel they need to know the path […]
You Want Accountability? Start By Being Clear.
November 20, 2023
You want accountability? Start by being clear. How many times have you communicated your expectations and the person you’re talking to walked away with their own set of assumptions? I see this all the time, […]
Signs That Your DEIB Program Is Being Weaponized
October 17, 2023
What started as a spark, turned into a flame. In the last few years, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) initiatives and programs burned hot, as corporations and nonprofits alike responded to the demand from […]
The Dominant Culture Remains Largely Unaware
October 17, 2023
The truth is that most people in the dominant culture (which in the workplace is mostly White males) are unaware of the huge benefits they have and the huge disadvantages that people who are not […]
 “I” Is For Inclusion
October 17, 2023
As DEIB continues to be order weaponized, we are getting farther and farther away from unity, which is what many misguided people want. The Weaponization of DEIB is hurtful in so many ways, and unfortunately, […]
It’s Time For A DEIB Remix
October 17, 2023
A remix is a well-known classic song that has been re-recorded by another artist who changes up, adds and removes, or alters the original to create something both recognizable and entirely new.” Here’s a remix […]
Let’s Change The Understanding Of What DEIB Means
September 12, 2023
Let me get straight to it. White people have felt excluded in DEIB efforts, to the point where many are equating DEIB with having to give up their power. Some even believe DEIB is just […]
Challenges To Transforming Organizational Culture, And Solutions
September 12, 2023
Organizational culture embodies your organization’s unique personality, shared assumptions, values, beliefs, and employee interactions. The key drivers for high-performing organizations include teamwork, communication, agility, productivity, profitability, consistency, and a thriving culture that boosts employee morale […]
DEIB Practitioners Have An Opportunity To Be Cultural Connectors
September 12, 2023
Too much of our current DEIB work separates people into groups. Yes, strategies such as Employee Resource Groups are helpful to individuals who can’t find support elsewhere. Yes, when there’s healing to be done, People […]
Contribute to Unity
September 12, 2023
In many DEIB conversations, I find that people (of all backgrounds) try to quickly get past uncomfortable conflict. People don’t want to “sit with it” or deal with the other person’s emotions or their own. […]
Don’t Judge Your DEIB Work By A Lack Of Complaints
August 16, 2023
“There are three essentials of leadership: humility, clarity, and courage.” -Fuchan Yuan At OAIB, something we recognize from working with so many different clients is that employees are often unaware of just how much their […]
Lead From The Front
August 16, 2023
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader. – John Quincy Adams Are you a scared leader? It’s OK to admit it. Most of […]
A New Partnership With HR
August 16, 2023
I’m seeing a trend that cuts across many workplace issues, including DEIB, performance, retention, recruiting, interpersonal conflict, and professionalism. What’s at the center of all these vital organizational functions? Human Resources. What’s the trend? That […]
A Prediction About How The Supreme Court Affirmative Action Will Affect DEIB
July 20, 2023
I’m angry and disappointed about the Supreme Court Affirmative Action decision. As the ACLU has said, “Many schools, as well as the courts, recognize that diversity exposes students to new ideas and ways of thinking, […]
Diversity Drives Workplace Innovation
June 13, 2023
With DEIB programs being questioned, let’s remind ourselves of how they impact the bottom line, not just employee engagement.
Inclusivity Attracts Top Talent
June 13, 2023
DEIB is under attack. Let’s arm ourselves with data to show how it’s good for the bottom line, and not just the right thing to do. There is a growing body of evidence that suggests […]
DEIB Reduces Turnover
June 13, 2023
With DEIB being challenged, practitioners should be able to articulate the impact of this work on the bottom line. Research has shown that DEIB programs can help to reduce turnover in the workplace. Here are […]
DEIB Improves Customer Satisfaction
June 13, 2023
With DEIB efforts being cut back during these challenging times, it’s important that we know the effect this work has on the bottom line, in addition to of course being the right thing to do. […]
Why Diversity Officers Are Being Fired Or Put Under HR
May 1, 2023
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) initiatives have gained a lot of traction in recent years, with many organizations making it a priority to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace. However, some companies have […]
An Example Of How DEIB Brings People Together
May 1, 2023
In case you believe the argument that DEIB programs are racist and intended to divide us, here’s a real case study that illustrates how DEIB brought people together, created understanding of different perspectives, and increased […]
Why Should We Continue Supporting DEIB?
May 1, 2023
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) are principles that most people support and strive to embody in their personal and professional lives. However, recently, we have seen a growing opposition to DEIB workplace programs. There […]
DEIB Is About Bringing People Together, Not Division
May 1, 2023
Recently, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) workplace programs have faced increasing opposition, with some people claiming that these programs are divisive and exclusionary. However, it is important to recognize that the true intent of […]
What To Say When Someone Tells You “I Don’t Need To Change”
March 16, 2023
It started out like any other DEIB training, when a White woman executive cut in… “Listen,” she said, “I don’t need to change. My daughter has dated Black and Latino guys, and it doesn’t matter […]
Why Saying “I Don’t See Color” Is Offensive To People Of Color
March 16, 2023
“We do not see things as they are, but as we are ourselves.” As she talked, I could sense the tension building inside her. As a White woman, she didn’t want to be seen as […]
We’re Stuck On The “D” In DEIB
March 16, 2023
Many organizations who say or even think they are implementing DEIB are too focused on “diversity” when they should be paying attention to equity. As a DEIB consultant, I hear a lot of talk about […]
Is DEIB A Distraction Or A Business Imperative?
March 16, 2023
Last week I facilitated training with Human Resources leaders in an organization where each HR leader had been partnered with a DEIB champion. All the HR leaders were White, and all the DEIB leaders were […]
We Haven’t Yet Tested The DEI Knowledge We Gained Since Working From Home
February 14, 2023
Over the last couple of years, organizations have developed more understanding of DEI. That’s a good step, but as we have seen time and again, learning doesn’t always lead to action. A return to work […]
Since We’ve Gone Virtual, We’ve Lost Professional Etiquette And Standards
February 14, 2023
I’ll say what many of us have been thinking. In our abrupt transition to remote work, we lost professional etiquette, and as we return to the office, it’s really showing up! People seem to have […]
It Takes Added Energy To Connect When We’re Virtual
February 14, 2023
Working from home used to be a coveted position. It was the exception rather than the norm, and many of us were jealous of those who did or could. And now that it’s here, we […]
We Haven’t Yet Seen The Impact of All Virtual Work
February 14, 2023
I’m going to bring my hairdresser into this blog. Last week I was at the salon, and we got into a conversation about virtual vs. in-person work. He said, “I have a client who is […]
The S.A.L.A.: Leading with Humanity Tool
January 17, 2023
Leaders need the right tools if they are to build equity into organizational cultures. Here’s a tool we created at OAIB and give to many of our clients. Our hope is that it may help […]
Common Leadership Styles that Have Missed the Mark for Leading With Humanity
January 17, 2023
There are many different leadership styles, influenced by an organization’s culture and industry, as well as the individual’s personality, background, level of training, maturity, and dozens of other factors. When it comes to leading with […]
What Does Leading With Humanity Mean?
January 17, 2023
“Leading and humanity is a partnership. It takes the best part of ourselves, our diverse backgrounds, our distinct gifts, and merges them together to compliment each other.” – Lolly Daskall Can you see how leadership […]
Challenges And Changes Of Leading With Humanity
January 17, 2023
Let’s be honest. Not everyone is a fit for your company’s culture. When I coach leaders about leading with humanity, we often have to engage in a process to “unlearn.” When you’re working to break […]
Your Organization Isn’t For Everybody
December 13, 2022
Let’s be honest. Not everyone is a fit for your company’s culture. In our line of work, we often see organizations make excuses for bad behavior. Things like microaggressions, power grabs, control, and even outright […]
Reverse Mentoring Opens The Door For Change
December 13, 2022
With four generations in the workplace, organizations have a unique opportunity. While wisdom comes with age, there’s something else that today’s leaders need to recognize…Millennials and Gen Z have valuable insight (and expectations) about your […]
How To Give Feedback To Younger Employees
December 13, 2022
In our work, I’m hearing more and more that Boomer and GenX leaders are getting frustrated when giving feedback to younger employees, and in some cases avoiding it altogether. Leaders or even employees in their […]
There Are Now 4 Generations At Work, So Get Used To It
December 13, 2022
Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Gen Z might seem like they grew up in different cultures, but here we are working together on projects, initiatives, and programs, trying to communicate our big ideas. For the […]
How To Stop The Great Stand Up
November 21, 2022
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Black people gained perspective on our employers and began assessing our current reality…as well as our options. We asked ourselves who we want to be, what kind of impact we want […]
How To Keep Your Power
November 21, 2022
No one can make you feel a certain way. Read that again. It’s a normal part of our vocabulary to say things like “he made me so angry” or “she made me feel small” or […]
When They Get Defensive
November 21, 2022
Defensive means “the rejection of critique or accountability that upholds the right to control.” Joan became my client after many disappointments in her career. She had just left a job where she had envisioned herself […]
The Destructive Influence of a Culture of Perfection
November 21, 2022
A culture of perfectionism is a culture of mediocrity, at best. In many workplaces, People of Color are being held to unreasonable, undefined, and unspoken standards a.k.a. “perfectionism.” Perfectionism is often held by those who […]
The Uphill Battle For Accountability
October 14, 2022
Exposing organizational inequities and cultural disparities in workplaces where they have long been hidden, unrecognized, or unchecked isn’t easy. With our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging work, we spend a lot of time on the […]
What Is Psychological Safety?
October 14, 2022
In my day-to-day work as a DEIB practitioner, I talk about psychological safety a lot, and nine times out of ten I have to explain what that means. Psychological safety is one of the most […]
Find Your Own Voice First
October 14, 2022
I was in the middle of my sentence when he did it. My co-worker cut me off and started talking over me, redirecting the conversation. Instead of shrinking, I addressed it on the spot. “Hold […]
Become A Destination Employer
October 14, 2022
In the middle of this Great Stand-Up, employees are looking for choice and voice. All those years before COVID, employees have been held under a magnifying glass, trying to outperform their peers, bending over backward, […]
Leading With Humanity
September 16, 2022
Here’s an example of a leader we work with who leads with humanity. Her team made a mistake that negatively affected the relationship with their main funding source. Everybody in this organization knew the major […]
Burnout Is Real, But Different Now
September 16, 2022
The pandemic took something from us that not enough employers are talking about…the ability to separate from work because our home life merged into our work life. Before COVID, companies were starting to speak out […]
Fear of Retaliation When You’re An Outlier
September 16, 2022
Women and People of Color are exhausted from having to fight for a seat at the table, educate their abusers, and fight to have their voices heard. Every day I talk to people who are […]
The Demise of Interpersonal Relationships and 5 Things You Can Do
September 16, 2022
We live in a highly sensitive society, and interpersonal relationships seem to be getting worse. From what I see, it has a lot to do with stress and fear caused by people not taking the […]
What’s Your Anchor?
August 12, 2022
I have written many blogs about the work experience of Black people, including undue pressure, colonial thinking, hazing, and experiencing tokenism as “the only” in the room. Also, about how we sometimes don’t have a […]
An Open Letter To Women Executives
August 12, 2022
I don’t know about you, sister, but a lot of us executive women are burned out from chasing the moving target called “work-life balance.” We are switching between being CEOs, VPs, moms, wives, friends, sisters, […]
Use Your Voice With Insensitive Managers
August 12, 2022
When a manager says something offensive or insensitive, before reacting, we should take a step back and assess if his/her behavior is intentional, or they are being racist, biased, or simply unaware of their word […]
Can We Stop Normalizing Bad Behavior?
August 12, 2022
In our work helping organizations become more equitable, we’re seeing a major disconnect grow between executive leadership and junior staff, particularly People of Color. More and more often, we’re seeing people in middle management display […]
Hiring Your Team’s First Person of Color?
July 12, 2022
Believe it or not, we’re still being asked for advice from companies or teams who have just hired their first Person of Color. It usually comes from small organizations who thankfully come at it with […]
Paying Lip Service to DEIB
July 12, 2022
Do you now or have you ever worked for an organization that simply pays lip service to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging? You know this is true when leaders are saying all the right things […]
It’s Not The Great Resignation, It’s The Great Standup
July 12, 2022
Have you heard this term, “the Great Resignation”? It’s a trend that started during the Pandemic, but continues today, where employees are voluntarily resigning from their jobs in huge numbers. “Experts” give causes such as […]
What is Cultural Sensitivity Training, Anyway?
July 12, 2022
On a few occasions, I have been asked if OAIB offers cultural sensitivity training. I usually respond by asking what they mean by that term. And it turns out that people confuse cultural sensitivity training […]
June 8, 2022
When a person of color is just there just to check a box, so an organization can say they value diversity, it’s called tokenism, and this is harmful to individuals, cultural groups, and organizations.
How To Tell Someone You’re An Ally
June 8, 2022
An ally is someone who helps advance the interests of historically excluded groups. DEIB expert Tawana Bhagwat explains allyship in the workplace, and how to tell someone you're an ally.
Let’s Train Managers To Be Managers 
June 8, 2022
Managing requires training, and managing across cultures requires extra training. Learn how OAIB can help set your new managers up for success!
When It Feels Like Hazing
June 8, 2022
If you’re a White leader, here are three things you can do to prevent people from feeling like they’re being hazed in the workplace...
Women Can Have Colonialist Thinking Too
May 3, 2022
I recently spoke with a Black female leader who joined a team of five White people. One of her teammates, a White woman, wanted to understand how the Black woman could have gotten her role. […]
Diversity Includes Race & Not Just Gender
May 3, 2022
Here is something we see a lot of in our DEIB consulting work. Organizations know they need diversity, so they focus their diversity efforts on hiring more women or pay equity, in part because gender […]
The Problem with Diversity Recruiting
May 3, 2022
“We want to diversify our leadership team, but…” I hear some version of this all the time. Clients, associates, and even business partners tell me they want to hire a more diverse staff, but there […]
Do You Work in a Colony or a Community? 
May 3, 2022
Workplace culture makes all the difference, and there are two types: colonies and communities. A colony is, by definition, a country or area under full or partial control of another country. During colonization, one group […]
Personal Change Often Comes By Way Of Shock
April 11, 2022
In their book, Overcoming Bias, Tiffany Janna and Matthew Freeman write that “A lack of awareness of your own bias allows you to move through the world without consideration of your impact on others.” Most […]
What Do You Mean I Have To Be Careful?
April 11, 2022
The other day, I talked to a White male colleague who said, “Tawana, you need to be careful about how you come across.” Yep. I was triggered. Throughout my career, both Black and White people […]
Should You Put The Mission Or Yourself First?
April 11, 2022
People in the nonprofit world, as well as in the private sector, often say, “the mission is always first!” I know it sounds like blasphemy, but I’ll say it…Employees should come before the mission. Leaders: […]
DEIB in the USA vs. Abroad
April 11, 2022
Organization At Its Best works with clients in almost 30 different countries, and it might surprise you to learn that the way we handle DEIB in the USA is the same as abroad, even in […]
When You’re “The Only” In The Room
March 17, 2022
Many, perhaps most, Black people don’t know what it’s like to show up as our most authentic selves in the workplace and be rewarded for it. Instead, we spend the majority of our time trying […]
Why Should Survivors Educate Those Who Caused Harm?
March 17, 2022
I’m tired of being responsible for having to educate those who have harmed me and my people As a Person of Color, it’s frustrating having to confront someone who harmed me, tell them what they […]
Equality Shouldn’t Be Our Goal
March 17, 2022
In terms of DEIB in the workplace, equality shouldn’t be our goal. Equity should. Equality means ensuring everyone is given equal opportunities and resources. The problem with equality is that the same opportunities and resources […]
How to Heal in a Place You’ve Been Harmed
March 17, 2022
A microaggression is a subtle comment or blatant action that can be unintentional, hostile, or demeaning. Author Michael Baran calls them Subtle Acts of Exclusion. I like this term because it describes how people feel […]
DEIB Can Be Uncomfortable
February 2, 2022
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) in the workplace is everyone’s responsibility starting with leadership, but the tough reality is that people won’t come to it on their own. This work requires having uncomfortable conversations. […]
Racism is Expensive
February 2, 2022
A continuation of racial inequality may cost the United States $1.5 trillion over the next decade, Bank of America said. Racism in America is an economic crisis, but the impact of inequity is also social, […]
The Black Tax is Real
February 2, 2022
Years ago when I was a young engineer, I gave the biggest presentation of my career to a room full of White men. I was the only Black engineer and woman engineer on the team. […]
Don’t Call Me A Minority
February 1, 2022
A few days ago, I was chatting casually with a White male friend when he said, “I’ve talked to other minorities about this and heard that…” I cut him off, firmly but politely. “Hold on!” […]
What Employers Can Do To Retain Employees
January 4, 2022
In a world of high turnover, employee retention can be difficult. Here are five strategies to invest in your team and boost morale and retention rates.
How To Improve The Employee Experience
January 4, 2022
Improving the employee experience starts by better understanding your employee’s needs and meeting them where they are. Read more to learn our top three tips.
Concrete Steps to Achieving DEIB Goals
January 4, 2022
Here are three concrete steps from our tried and tested process that can help you achieve your DEIB goals. Click here to learn more.
Why Supportive Culture Is Critical
January 4, 2022
Learn how to enable healthy communication, individual growth, and organizational effectiveness with these three tips to create a supportive workplace culture.
Is Your Boss Gaslighting You?
November 23, 2021
Click here to learn the signs of D.A.R.V.O. behavior and find out what to do when you find yourself being gaslit by your boss.
My Top 3 Business Communication Skills
November 19, 2021
OAIB Founder and CEO Tawana Bhagwat breaks down her top business communication skills: Active listening, meaningful questions, and setting your intent.
Unlimited Paid Time Off?
November 16, 2021
Considering implementing an unlimited paid time off policy? Unless you have a highly developed work culture, it may not be right for your organization.
Signs of a Passive-Aggressive Leader
November 10, 2021
A passive aggressive leader can create a toxic work culture which stifles innovation, productivity and morale. Here are some signs to look out for...
Racial Equity Bootcamp Press Release
September 14, 2021
Organization At Its Best, Inc. Expands the First Online Training to Address Racial Equity Across the Entire Employee Lifecycle. With the Racial Equity Bootcamp, organizations and individuals can now more easily and effectively create a high-performing culture driven by a deep sense of belonging and respect. 
Exciting announcements from OAIB
September 13, 2021
We've been working hard to help organizations meet today’s challenges, and we have some exciting news and resources to share! OAIB is expanding its team, offerings, and brand.
Will Justice for One Be Justice for All?
April 26, 2021
Like many of you, I had watched the George Floyd murder trial since thebeginning, hoping justice would prevail.Now, at this moment, like many of us, I am overwhelmed with emotion knowingthat in this one case […]
Transforming Organizational Culture: Challenges and Solutions
October 24, 2020
Organizational Culture refers to a set of shared assumptions, values, underlying beliefs, and ways in which employees interact that are unique to a given organization. In simpler terms, it is the personality of a given […]
How to Build Corporate Morale
October 23, 2020
Morale is the collective set of attitudes, emotions, and satisfaction exhibited by employees. Achieving high morale among employees is important for several reasons including increasing productivity, loyalty, retention and teamwork. As an employer, it is […]
10 Critical Factors in Creating an Effective Virtual Organization
September 2, 2020
Virtual companies and organizations have become very common in recent times, but what are they? A virtual organization or company is one whose members are geographically dispersed, usually facilitated by information technology and groupware to […]


DISCOVER HOW YOUR Organization CAN BE At Its Best